Friday, January 27, 2017

HSG Test

Thursday January 26th 2017 I had my HSG test. I called my doctor and had them write me Valium for my anxiety and to relax my muscles. My husband could not get work off so my mom volunteered to take me, I am glad she did. I took the medication about 45 minutes before the test, by the time we got to the hospital I was feeling really good! I got signed in and waited. I had a student radiologist tech come and get me. We went back and they had me change into a gown. OMG how I hate those gowns! They gave me two one for the front one for the back. They were so short I swear my butt was hanging out!! We went back to the room and had to wait for the PA to finish up another procedure. The techs were so sweet, I enjoyed talking to them.  I am apparently very talkative when I am on pain pills along with thinking I am whispering when I am not! 

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) : You will lie on your back on an exam table. Your feet will be raised and supported by stirrups. This allows your doctor to look at your genital area. They will put a smooth, curved tool called a speculum into your vagina. The speculum gently spreads apart the vaginal walls. This allows the doctor to see the inside of the vagina and the cervix. The cervix may be held in place with a clamp called a tenaculum. The cervix is washed with a special soap. A stiff tube (cannula) or a flexible tube (catheter) is put through the cervix into the uterus. The X-ray dye is put through the tube. If the fallopian tubes are open, the dye will flow through them. It will then spill into the belly where it will be absorbed by the body. If a fallopian tube is blocked, the dye will not pass through. The X-ray pictures are shown on a TV screen during the test. If another view is needed, the exam table may be tilted or you may be asked to change position. 

After the test, the cannula or catheter and the speculum are removed. This test usually takes 15 to 30 minutes.You will most likely feel some cramping like menstrual cramps during the test. The amount of pain you have depends on what problems the doctor finds and treats during the test. Because of the Valium and other medications it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be pain wise. It was very uncomfortable still. Mainly as they entered into the cervix and when they pushed the dye in. I started to cramp pretty bad when the dye was added.  The staff was so sweet and made sure I was okay or if we needed to stop. After the test, some of the dye will leak out of the vagina. You also may have some vaginal bleeding for several days after the test, as well as cramping. I definitely am experiencing sever cramping after the test.
(photo credit to my mom)

We got the email of my results today saying that everything looked normal on our test. I am glad it came back normal , but I wish it showed something so that we would have a clue on what was going on. I guess I was hoping for a answer. I get frustrated with the whole process some days, I have gone through so many test so far and its always the same answer "we are not sure why you are not getting pregnant or why you are not keeping the baby longer than 5 weeks." I hope this sends us in the right direction now. I am trying to stay positive but some days it is hard. 

(some photos on what a HSG test looks like and labels )

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