Saturday, February 4, 2017

Post HSG

After my HSG i was loopy, tired and in pain. Over the weekend I developed a high fever of 103 F and the pain increased. I called my doctor first thing Monday morning they wanted me to come in as soon as they could get me in which was around 2:00. I called in sick to work I could barely move .I  pretty much relaxed as best I could until the appointment. When I got to the doctor they did the normal and my temp was still high at a 101 F. They did a pelvic exam and blood work, they came to the conclusion that I ended up with an infection from the HSG test.There seriously is a 1% chance of getting an infection from it and I of course am that 1%.We also talked about how stressed I have been from work and he wants to try and cut my Zoloft and Xanax down.  They wrote me a RX for antibiotics and suggested that I take Tuesday off work as well hoping that my fever would break and the antibiotics would have a chance to help. I took Tuesday off as doctors request and slept all day! It felt AMAZING!!! So fast forward to Friday I thought I was doing somewhat better was still tired. I started to get sever sharp pain in my pelvic area. after I got off work I called my doctors office to see what I needed to do. I left a message with them and they got back very fast. (I love this doctor ) They wanted me to keep an eye on my temp and the pain. If my temp goes up passed 100 F or the pain gets to sever for me to handle they want me to go to the ER. They also gave me the on call number because my doctor is on call this weekend. I slept the rest of the afternoon until Hans came home and woke me up to eat. I tired to go back to sleep but that did not happen , I ended up coloring and listening to one of my audio-books (The Orphan Train) until 5 am then was up at 9 am thanks to my mini pig. I thought I was doing pretty well my temp came down to 99.7 and then the pain came back. One thing I wanted to recommend was a book which has been helping me a lot lately . Its called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***! Great book so far. I have learned that there are things I don't need to care about or worry about. Which has brought me to a huge relief on something that has been causing me a lot of stress lately. (there will be more info as it unfolds)
 Image result for the subtle art of not giving a f
I have two appointments coming up this week for blood work to check levels again. So hopefully more good news to come! I am very hopeful for test results and news to come. I am only giving a F about my family , friends ,trying to have a baby, and my health.  

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